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task 2

Update version 2.0.png

part a: In the same groups as before we studyed the history of the state library, and create ourown timeline which shows us the evolution of the state library over time. 

as a group we decided to produce an exploding axometric version of a timeline. where it starts from the original base and foundations from the original library to the most recent additions. 







this allows for a more visualar effect within where it is easier to follow along in what goes where and when they came along 

part b: we produce a timeline “An Architectural History of the Library Since 1500”  where we individually researched two libraries from history and placed key information about them on the timeline 

real Frank Furness Fisher Fine Arts Libr

i have given the fisher fine arts library in philiadelphia (1890). I gave a brief history on ins design and influence in libraries it had in America as it was first to separate its study and reading rooms. as well as its cathidrial railway gothical style. 

the second library that i was given was the geisel library by william l. pereira and associates in san diego, which was named after dr. seuss. I discussed its controversial history of opininons as reuter labling it one of the "top 10 ugly buildings to visit". i also further elaberated on Pereira's philosophy and ideas in creating his brutalism and futuristic library.   

Geisel Library San Diego.png
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